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We affirm the high and noble calling of management and the spiritual gift of administration. We reject the fallacy that leaders lead and managers manage. We relentlessly pursue both effective and efficient operational solutions to organizational challenges. We are experts at ruthlessly eliminating costly bureaucracy that impedes results. We are yes men and women!


WORKSHEET #17.1:  "Prime Responsibility Chart." Download this Word document and begin now to eliminate all fuzzy roles--and identify a point person (or champion) for every major task.

For a Prime Responsibility Chart designed for the CEO and the board of directors, see Tool #16 in the 2019 book, ECFA Tools and Templates for Effective Board Governance: Time-Saving Solutions for Your Board, by Dan Busby and John Pearson. Order from Amazon.


MANAGEMENT VS. LEADERSHIP.  In his excellent article, "Management That Leads" (referenced in Chapter 17), Olan Hendrix writes:

"Leaders must learn to manage, and managers must learn to lead. When we see the two as interdependent we are more apt to improve at the work of getting work done through other people. When we see the two as totally separate we more easily excuse our deficiencies in one or the other and thereby deny ourselves the potential for learning." (Download a PDF of the the article here.)


GREAT IDEA: Every Friday morning with coffee, host a Bagels & Bureaucracy stand-up meeting. Award Starbucks gift cards to the best ideas for ruthlessly eliminating bureaucracy in your organization!


READ 50 BOOKS THIS YEAR! Order the helpful books in the Operations Bucket and delegate your reading. With a team of just four people (formal or informal), each person can read just one book a month and give a five-minute report at your weekly meeting. You'll become friends with 40-50 books a year!


DELEGATE YOUR READING! For a complete list of books from this bucket, visit the Book Bucket and download List #1 (with books reviewed through Dec. 31 of last year).


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